Strategic Development

Many business owners are so absorbed in the day-to-day that they easily neglect longer term strategic planning. Let us help you.

Business Vision

What drove you to start your own business in the first place? What do you want your business to look like in twenty, ten and five years’ time? How does that vision align with your personal lifestyle and financial objectives?

We strongly believe that all business owners should know the answers to these questions. Our whole Strategic Development proposition starts with a session with you to formulate and articulate your business vision. All other planning comes from the business vision.

Business Strategy

Once you know what your business vision is, we can help you to set short- and medium-term goals and actions which will contribute to achieving that vision.

This is such an important exercise that we, as your trusted advisers, want to help you with it and are perfectly placed to advise both practically and technically.

Growth & Profitability

‘Growth’ and ‘more profit’ are common objectives for businesses, but only by having set your vision for your business will you be able to define how you want to grow and budget for the profit that you wish to achieve.

We work with owner-managers to achieve their specific growth and profitability targets within the context of their overall vision. This is an immensely productive exercise because it is done within the parameters of a clear plan for the future.

Succession & Exit Planning

All business owners will move on, step back or retire at some point in the future. This too is part of your business vision. However, unless you plan well ahead you may find that your chosen exit is not available to you.

If you know well in advance what your exit strategy is you can start early to ensure, for example, that the business is attractive to a potential purchaser or that your successor has been recruited, incentivised and groomed to take over.

We specialise in this sort of long-term planning, as well as the tax and other practical aspects of exit, and it forms the crucial final part of strategic planning.